8 Remedies for Healing a Stye
Stye, also called hordeolum, is a kind of tiny red bump resembling a pimple that appears on the edge of the eyelids. It is a prevalent eye problem and more or less every human being has suffered from the condition once in his life. A stye is caused by clogging pores of the eyelids due to dust and bacterial infection. In most of the cases, styes are normal with little bearable pain, soreness and itchiness with increased tear formation in the eyes, and they get healed in a few days. In some sporadic cases, a doctor’s consultation is needed if there is a feeling of excessive pain, blurred vision, and nausea. Majority of the people are not aware of how to get rid of a stye with ease. Following are 8 effective remedies through which one can have a speedy recovery from a stye. Use of warm compress When the question of how to get rid of a stye is raised, then the application of warm compress is one of the most effective remedies. Warm compress helps to dissolve the pus and drain the stye easily. Always use a clean cloth and make sure that the warmness of the water is such that our skin can tolerate.