8 Popular Digestive Enzyme Supplements to Choose From
Digestive enzyme supplements are small chewable tablets that aid in the digestion process and help improve the rate of nutrient absorption in the body. These supplements help in breaking down the food into smaller molecules so that they can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream. These supplements are safe for use by children and adults. However, it is best to consult your medical provider to ensure that the enzyme you choose merits your body. In the following, some of the popular digestive enzyme supplements have been listed; these digestive enzyme supplements can help alleviate all your digestive troubles: Source Naturals Essential Enzymes Source Naturals Essential Enzymes contains Lactase to improve digestion. Moreover, it contains herbs and nutraceuticals which, when combined with bio-active nutrients, aid a number of health conditions. This supplement is gluten-free with zero wheat, soy, yeast, or egg. These enzymes provide relief from gastric distress and help restore a healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive tract, thus keeping you energetic all day long. American Health® Super Papaya Enzyme Plus This is one of the best digestive enzyme supplements that work to keep your digestive system in the best possible condition. It contains an enzyme known as Lipase that breaks down compound fats into smaller fatty acids.